Fire Sale And Auction

Fire Sale And Auction

Galleria Dante is recognized as Vallarta’s largest fine art gallery and sculpture garden.
   - Basilio Badillo 269
   - Puerto Vallarta
   - Tel. 322 222-2477

Galleria Dante ofrece grandes descuentos en arte, en la tienda y en línea: todo en la galería, más de 5000 obras de arte, tiene actualmente un 25 por ciento de descuento. La subasta en línea de artículos patrimoniales, aproximadamente 160 obras de arte, tiene un increíble descuento del 30 al 85 por ciento hasta el 26 de agosto.

"Many of you know that earlier this spring we had a house fire, sustaining damage for which a re-model is necessary to make our home habitable. Recently, in a freak storm, our home was compromised and we incurred a major burglary. As a result, “Its time for a Sale“.

It is our hope to cover the costs of repairs to make our home safe again for us and our little one.

- Estate Sale Items will be auctioned off and bids will start at 30-85% discount. (Estate Sale items are works of art we have received from clients, and are currently being re-homed).

- On Galleria Dante’s “stable” of Artists we are offering 25% off all art works for the month of August.

We Thank you for your continued support."

For more information visit:

Fire Sale And Auction