Fiestas Guadalupanas Of Puerto Vallarta
Special Event
The city of Puerto Vallarta puts together great parties to celebrate culture, life and traditions.
- Plaza Central
- Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
@ Puerto Vallarta
12:00 pm Every Day
1 December until 12 December
The pilgrimages in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe gather thousands of believers during the first 12 days of December. They take to the streets of Downtown Puerto Vallarta to show their faith and give thanks for the favors received during the year.
Up to 400 processions are registered in the program of the Fiestas Guadalupanas of Puerto Vallarta. In every one of these processions, the people of Puerto Vallarta pray to the Virgin of Guadalupe through a route which starts at 31 de Octubre Street and goes down Juarez Street to the altar of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.
Carriages alluding to the apparition of the virgin on the hill of Tepeyac, groups of folkloric dancers, Mariachi and traditional live music accompany the most solvent pilgrims.
The Peregrinación de los Favorecidos (Pilgrimage of the Favored) is particularly important. With up to 20K people participating, this is the largest procession of all. The Pilgrimage of the Favored usually begins in the morning and continues for several hours on December 12.
Because they embody the collective identity of the community, the Fiestas Guadalupanas of Puerto Vallarta were declared "Intangible Heritage of the State of Jalisco" in 2018.